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<PDF> Identifying characteristics of proficiency in language tests. SAS User Forum [Japanese; Paper published in the proceedings] (2004).
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<PDF> Development of multiple-choice grammaticality judgement tests . JLTA Journal, 6 (2004), 13-29.
An investigation of the parsing strategy use of high- and low-proficiency EFL learners in written syntax tests . PhD thesis (2003) .
<PDF> Shijo^kyo^ anke^to bunseki . JUCE presentation (2003): [Japanese; Analysis of JUCE Questionnaire 2001 on the utilisation of IT facilities for teaching reforms].
<PDF> Multidimensional scaling as a means of assessing clusters of learner responses . Language Testing Update, 30 (2002).
<PDF> Effective feedback of the evaluation of classroom presentations for LAN environments . Journal of the Educational Application of Information Technologies, 4-1 (2001) [Japanese; page 1].
<PDF> Effective feedback of the evaluation of classroom presentations for LAN environments . Journal of the Educational Application of Information Technologies, 4-1 (2001) [Japanese; pages 2-3].
<PDF> Presentation, evaluation, and feedback in EFL classroom . JABAET presentation (2000).
Learner awareness through journal keeping . JACET presentation (1998).
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